Ironhack Data Analytics Bootcamp
Where in Australia to build a shark-free family resort?

Project 1 – Shark Attacks

data cleaning and manipulation with Pandas

client facts

Shark-free Hotels & Resorts is a 'worldwide to be'
hotel chain since it's missing a branch in Australia

to date, all of its other houses are built
in "safe" beaches – with no sight of sharks

main clientèleall kinds of families, with/without kids

locate ourselves

Source and credits

shark attacks

230 years of data available


Source and credits

so, out there, one can find a shark-free beach???

Source and credits

Source and credits: Nazem Kacmazer on Unsplash

seriously? where exactly?

backed up by data analysis (click to open)


    Based on 230 years of available data, Australia is the second country in the world with most shark attacks (1338); behind USA (2229) and before Mexico (579).

    Top 3 countries come up with 65% of all incidents.

    22% end up deadly.

    Almost 90% of attacked individuals are male.


    In almost 85% of all fatalities, it was possible to locate the coordinates.

    Number of tourists exploded in the last 40 years: over 200% rise from 1990 to 1997 and almost 170% from 2010 to 2018.

    So did shark attacks, top 10 years included: 2016, 2015, 2014, 2009, 2012, 2017 and 2018.

    For a "small" State, Victoria has almost 20% of total Hotels in Australia. And the best room occupancy rate among them all, over 70%.

    Among the top 3 States, only in Victoria there haven't been any deadly shark attacks in the past 40 years.

    Lake Tyers Beach is a top 20 beach in Australia!

Source and credits: Nazem Kacmazer on Unsplash

next steps

Source and credits

Pick the exact location according to national and local authorities regulation.

Add meaningful graphs using the already analysed data.

Analyse demographic, economic, financial, geographic and market factors to deliver effective data-driven feasibility studies.

the analysis

Scroll down to find some screenshots.

For full code analysis in Python, click on the cat

thank you